Custom Donations is the easiest way to create custom forms and track donor data and select directed giving areas using custom URLs.
Consider the following scenario. You want to send a special appeal to your big donors and your regular giving page isn’t the perfect fit. You would like a special thank you message and suggested giving amounts that are much higher than your normal forms. You spend a few minutes and create this new form and you are ready to hit send on the email…but it is Saturday, and no one is around to put your new giving form in the website. What do you do?
With Custom Donations, since this is a modular and flexible platform, you simply use your regular giving page and tell our system to load the new form.
For example, here is a regular giving page:
And here is the same page, but with a special parameter added to the URL that allows your new form to be loaded:
With custom URL parameters, you can control many aspects of the giving forms you create. This allows you to generate custom-tailored giving links from your email system. With one dynamic email, each recipient can have a custom giving link that tracks their donor ID, selects their favorite scholarship, and pre-populates a suggested giving amount.
URL Parameter | Example Value | Description and Example Link |
cdAllocationId | BRONZEGIFT | If the email address of the donor is known, you can repopulate it so they don't need to fill it in at check out. |
cdEmail | | Load a unique giving form that is different from the default form on the giving page. The URL parameter is provided with the embed code. |
cdFormKey | 46767b12-f059-4fbc-b686-4fef8d1919d4 | Load a unique giving form that is different from the default form on the giving page. The URL parameter is provided with the embed code. |
cdGiftAmt | 100 | Pre-select a gift amount. URL value is a number. |
cdFixedGiftAmt | 125 | Pre-select a gift amount that cannot be changed. Suggested gift amounts will be removed. URL value is a number. |
cdMemberId | 52361 | Track a donor ID through the gift to simplify gift processing. This is your CRM donor ID. |
cdRecur | once monthly quarterly yearly | Default gift option to either one-time or recurring gift. |
cdRecurTimes | 12 | A fixed number of times for a recurring gift to recur. After this amount is reached, the gift auto-cancels. |
cdRecurDate | 20250112 | The lets you set a future date for a recurring gift. |
trackingId | eNews-5-18 | Track link source (i.e., one value for social media links and another for email links) to track which leads to more gifts. |
cdSOGift1 cdSOGift2 cdSOGift3 cdSOGift4 | 50 150 250 300 | Customize the suggested one-time gift amount buttons. At least the first two parameters must be used. If two parameters are used, then only two buttons of those amounts will show. If three parameters are used, then three buttons will show. If four are used, then all four buttons will show. |
cdSRGift1 cdSRGift2 cdSRGift3 cdSRGift4 | 10 15 20 25 | Customize the suggested recurring gift amount buttons. At least the first two parameters must be used. If two parameters are used, then only two buttons of those amounts will show. If three parameters are used, then three buttons will show. If four are used, then all four buttons will show. |