Matching Gifts

bringing innovation and automations to the market

We have 20+ years experience in the Matching Gifts business and are bringing unparalleled innovation and automations to the market.

Are you struggling to have an effective matching gifts program?

Many organizations fail to capitalize on their matching gift potential due to lack of data and an effective way to manage the entire matching gift process. We have solutions to fix your problems and help acquire some of the $4-$7 billion in matching gift money that goes unclaimed each year.

Employer Connect

With a real-time database of over 100 million professional profiles, we can update employer records for your entire database. We can work with you through either flat files or full nightly automations into your CRM. 

Data Applications

We can do one-off data appends to update employment records and flag donors as being matching gift eligible.

Matching Gift Manager

Matching Gift Manager

MGM creates a more efficient and effective matching gift process by maximizing the identification of match-eligible donations, prompting donors to apply for them, understanding where the gift is in the process.

We’re the only system that pairs real-time employment updates as part of the matching gift process. This maximizes your match potential and removes the need to collect employer information on a donation form or trying to keep your data updated on your own.

Additionally, our dashboard vastly simplifies the management of the process, allowing for scheduled emails to the donors and an easy view of where each donor is in the process.

Streamlined Matching Gift Fundraising

When you are armed with updated donor data, we can take donors to high converting, streamlined, and personalized giving forms so donors can give in seconds using the payment methods they prefer.

Matching Gift Search Widget

Embed our search widget on your website so donors can find out if they work for a matching gift company.

Direct Mail

We can help your next direct mail appeal targeting matching gift eligible donors through data appends and personalized giving forms.

Deliver A Superior Donor Experience