Integrations: Call Centers & Engagement Centers


If you are using VanillaSoft to manage your call center, you can use Custom Donations to process payments!

A seamless integration provides your call center employees with an easy interface to complete payments without having to manually enter any data, as it is all prepopulated from the call center software.

Following a transaction, the transaction data is pushed back into the call center software.

Ruffalo Noel Levitz

If you are using Ruffalo Noel Levitz to manage your call center, you can use Custom Donations to process payments!

A seamless integration provides your call center employees with an easy interface to complete payments without having to manually enter any data, as it is all prepopulated from the call center software.

Following a transaction, the transaction data is pushed back into the call center software.

Wilson-Bennett Technology

If you are using Wilson-Bennet Technology to manage your call center, you can use Custom Donations to process payments!

A seamless integration provides your call center employees with an easy interface to complete payments without having to manually enter any data, as it is all prepopulated from the call center software.

Following a transaction, the transaction data is pushed back into the call center software.

Deliver A Superior Donor Experience